Saturday, January 7, 2017

Module Nine - And What About Germany???

Listen to "Great Depression New Deal Module Nine - And What About Germany?" on Spreaker. *******
The links below will help you with translating tools between English and Spanish.
1. Audio  of a  words  in both English and Spanish. Will also translate phrases.
2. Google Search - Espana: The word can be typed in English, and the search finds results in Spanish, including images
3. Also Google Arabic is available.
4. Google Translate:Can work in any language necessary



What do you think these flags have in common?

Which one creates the strongest reaction?

Why was the word “to” put in between the flags

And What About Germany???

They were still angry over the way that WW I had ended. Many Germans felt they had been stabbed in the back (betrayed) by those who took over for the Kaiser (leader of Germany) when he was forced to leave power at the end of The War.  

Image result for betrayed
When someone feels someone else has stabbed them in the back they think that other person has not been honest with them.
It makes them mad.
They want revenge.

They were insulted that they were forced to admit blame for starting the war.  They were humiliated that they were limited to an army of only 100,000 men. That is only 3% of the size of their WW I army.

Then there was their economy.  It was destroyed by the pressure put on by the requirements to pay the reparations (penalty) to Great Britain and France.

They were had to pay the equivalent in today’s dollars of $1,782,255,617,429.94. That is almost 2 trillion dollars!!!  

2 trillion  dollars buys 500,000,000,000 Big Macs at $4 each. That is a LOT of Big Macs.

People soon began suffering.  By November, 1923 the inflation level (a rise in prices) had reached  726,000,000,000.00 %.  That means that something that cost $1 at the beginning of 1923 would cost $726,000,000,000.00 (726 billion) in November. Money was worthless.  Nobody could afford anything.  

The German  paper money was so worthless people used it to do things other than buying stuff:

Image result for German marks as wallpaper

German paper money  being used as wallpaper to decorate a wall

Image result for German marks used to start stoves

German paper money being used to start a fire in a wood-burning stove

People were hungry

Hungry men in a German soup kitchen.  Look at how skinny the man is

People Were Homeless (had no place to live)

Young German male with no place to live.  
Would he pay attention to someone who said to him you DO NOT have to live like this, I will make it better for you ???

Families were living in horrific conditions

If they could elect someone to be their leader who said this was not fair, would they do it???

People could not finds jobs

Image result for German unemployment Weimar Republic

Look at the name on the wall of the building.  Do you think he used the anger of all of these unemployed people to try to get elected???

All of this happened because the German government at that time had no money to use to help the German people.  

Unemployment was bad in The United States. In 1932 the percentage of people out of work reached 25% of the nation. In Germany it was worse.  In Germany the rate of unemployment reached 31.7%. Almost 1 out of every 3 people had no job.  They could not pay for food and a place to live.  

People were looking for someone to come to their rescue. They wanted to hear somebody tell them it was NOT their fault, and that they would make it better for them.  

Do you recognize the man giving a speech to try to get elected leader of Germany???

They wanted to have someone take charge and tell them they would lead them to better times. They wanted to hear someone tell them there would be food when there had not been enough for a long time.

Look at the faces of the young men in this club run by the Nazi Party where they could get food and a place to live.
What would they be willing to do if he became leader of their country???

They wanted someone to provide jobs where there were none.  They wanted a place to live rather than  being on the street homeless.  They wanted someone to lead them to again be proud of being German.  

This was a campaign poster he was using to try to get elected. It says:
"Our Last Hope - HITLER"

And what would all of this WANT lead to???

Campaign Speech. As in trying to get elected to be leader

Then he was made Chancellor(leader)

One year later in 1934 the power would still be building

Gathering of Nazis - Showing their growing strength

They were now in power in Germany.  This is a movie made at a BIG gathering of the Nazi Party in 1934, one year after they got that power. Five years later they would start WW II, and in 1945, over 60 million people who were alive when this video was made when the war started would be dead.